Placements 2013/2014


Kom-Mit-Nadev – German-Israeli Volunteer-Program for young Israelis in Germany
September 2013 – August 2014

Within the program of Kom-Mit-Nadev young Israelis are invited for a 12 months’ volunteer service in projects of civil society at different places in Germany.In order to enable this service Israeli ‘sending organizations’ cooperate with a certain German ‘hosting organizations’, offering the young volunteer the option for a volunteer service in selected projects with youngsters, elder citizens or handicapped people, either focusing on education, social welfare, ecological or commemoration issues.
The list below shows the cooperations for volunteer projects/placements offered by the responsible organizations for the year 2013-2014.

The program Kom-Mit-Nadev offers the bilateral educational frame for the one year volunteer service in Germany.

Are you interested?

Please look out for a suitable Israeli sending organization on this list and contact them!